Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Last of margaret's Portrait Gallery

It was great to meet up with Sylvan and Agnes Addink, friends from years ago at the now-defunct Iowa City CRC during our grad school days at U of I. Agnes and Brad, their son who lives in Madison, rode along with Sylvan for 15 miles on Monday before leaving him to bike to the beat of his own drum. I hear he's hard to catch.

Some of the earlybirds at Woodstock. What looks like a cycling casualty on the ground is actually Louis Bosma taking a power nap after the 130 km jaunt from Madison.

Fearless leader Ed Witvoet, still smiling after all of these kilometres. Ed says it's going very well, and it feels like it's starting to wind down now that they've entered the last third of the tour.

(Thought I'd throw this in because I had the space.) Pieter giving Amanda Kabale and Brian Bork a final bubbly blessing as they exit Calvin's Seminary Chapel as the happy couple. They're on their own tour of New York City this week. May God bless them as they journey through life together, beginning with settling into Waterloo, ON, where Brian will take up the position of CRC Campus Chaplain and Amanda will continue her theological studies.
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margaret said...

Okay, so Pieter, these photos took forever on dial-up and I can't figure out why it won't do more than 4 at a time/per blog. But then again, it's not like I really know what I'm doing either. I hope I didn't keep you from blogging your day but I probably did. Well, from now on it's up to you to post photos with your musings. You are stopping to take some, right? Did you read the manual yet? That was probably a dumb question.

Jonathan lost another tooth today and is bargaining for a visit from the i-tunes tooth fairy. Anyhow, got to get to bed before I start to see a rosy orange glow outside my window ;)

Remember to keep your head up just like in hockey. And watch out for Ed Speyers on the road from South to Grand Haven, and Fred and Tim Nydam from GH to GR. Cool! Praying for you all.

love, me

Art said...


your photos are lovely, but large. I think you'd get better performance at uploading if you first shrink them down a bit! I always reduce my photos to about 800x600 (or as small as 512xwhatever) before uploading. It's a much smaller file, but still a nice big photo for viewing on a monitor

I can upload 5 photos at a time to blogger, I'm not sure why you're having problems. After I load five, I can click the "photo" icon again and load up five more.

Unfortunately, I'm leaving tomorrow, so I can't really offer to come over and tutor you a bit. ;-)


ps: sorry Pieter, we're just using your comments for a private conversation. There's precedent, you know...