Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Starting Photos from margaret

Here are a few photos of the start of Boomer's Pedal to the Sea -- captions below each photo.
(I am totally new at this blog posting stuff -- there were more photos -- I don't know why they didn't show up. I'll try again. Dial-up makes this an exercise in patience!)

Waiting for the ferry at Sombra ON, on the way to Brian and Amanda's wedding rehearsal in GR, the same place C2C will cross the border less than 2 weeks later. We took this route because we came upon crazy long lineups at the Sarnia/Port Huron border, fall-out from a bomb threat the previous day which had actually closed down the bridge and evacuated customs officials -- not that we had any idea of this at the time. I guess checking out the border website prior to leaving home will become part of our international travel routine from this point on.

Day One Madison WI, 7 a.m.: Ready to Roll

Rookie Pieter and Veteran Ralph

And they're off!
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1 comment:

Ed said...

Hi Pieter, I'm looking forward to joining you, Gayle, Ralph, and maybe others in South Haven on Friday morning for the short ride to Grand Haven. I live in Holland and would love to bike with you on Friday. I'm so glad you'll be in our stomping grounds. See you soon!
Ed Speyers