Wednesday, August 13, 2008

margaret's Portrait Gallery

It was good to hang out with Gayle Harrison on Sunday afternoon/evening. She's looking great and now has a new pair of traveling pants that fit. Here she is on Monday morning with a smile and a fresh set of streamers for the new week ahead. Note the gear truck with laundry baskets (2/rider) for people's personal supplies.

Alida Van Dijk crossing the continent for the second time.

Marjorie, Kevin and Laurie Pasma with Kevin's new tire. (Says it cost more than he's ever paid for a car tire!) Jake, sporting a crisp red and white De Venci shirt (maybe the LDCSS Art Dept is rubbing off on him) was around, but not at this moment, getting ready for the day's sweep duties.

Leanne Talen-Geisterfer and husband Caspar catching up quite a few years with Pieter. Caspar's riding along on a Honda for the week, helping out with errands, good deeds, etc.
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