Monday, August 4, 2008

Here it is the evening of Monday August 4 and I am at my brother's house in Ithaca. Earlier today we toured the Sea to Sea route coming in to Ithaca and there are a couple of spots folks really ought to check out on the way into town. About 15 miles north of town (25K) there is a gorgeous waterfall that is just a 3/4 mile walk up from the road. It is called Taughannock Falls and is the highest falls in the US west of the Rockies. The river downstream is very smooth bottomed and you can get nice and wet on the walk up to the falls. Across the road you can swim in Lake Cayuga at a pretty little beach. About 10 miles down the road is restaurant called Glenwood Pines that challenges patrons to attempt downing four of their 6 oz Pine Burgers in the space of an hour. Should you succeed, your photo is memorialized on the wall of fame -- alongside, I should say, a signed photo of Joe Niewendyk who, we were told, lives in the area. I am in training and trying to watch the calories so I stuck to just one Pine Burger which was plenty. The route here is very hilly. I wonder how the tour veterans will compare it to the Rockies.
Enough for now. Time to be social with family.
Less than one week from today, I ride!


Heather F. said...

Oh Pieter, Pieter, Pieter, ye of little faith (and computer knowledge). All you have to do is click on your name on any entry you have made to other's blogs and it connects one straight to you. I was acutally the one that asked Art to link it to his blog. So much easier for blogstalking. Have a safe journey home from Ithaca.


Art said...

Hey Boomer, almost home? How many km did you bike during your vacation? I finally got my bike back from the store this afternoon with a rebuilt rear wheel -- all new spokes. Looking forward to a shakedown ride tomorrow morning.