Friday, August 8, 2008

It's All Downhill From Here, right?

It it's almost time to leave.
Here's the schedule:
Today: Immediately: Leave for Grand Rapids and a 5 pm wedding rehearsal.
Tomorrow: Perform 2 pm wedding (Congratulations Brian Bork and Amanda Bakali!!) and have a fun time at the reception and celebration that follows.
Sunday: Get up head to Madison, find a church somewhere and finish the rip. Get registered and set up etc.
Monday: Ride!
Gayle Harrison called this morning from the road to chat. She's doing well, hanging in there, SAGing it when she absolutely has to -- and stopping in at a Hobo Convention in Britt Iowa?!?

Note my profile picture. The Cyclist on the Roof. It is all downhill from Madison isn't it??


Maarten said...

Had to google "granny gear," not knowing that I had experienced it just this morning as I tried out the gears on my new bike. I thought the chain had come off! But enough about me: Godspeed as you get underway tomorrow!

Art said...

What on earth made you climb on the roof with your bike!?

ps: Picked up Jonathan last night, he's fine. The Cadet Camporee was evacuated last night due to mud/rain so we'll have Gerrit home today sometime. Bad news for the camping, but Jonathan will probably like having Gerrit here.

margaret said...

Okay, it's confession time: I made Pieter climb up on the roof with his bike -- well, I didn't make him, but I strongly suggested it. (If you look really closely, you'll see an "I can't believe I'm actually doing this" look on his face.) After all, what's the sense of having a bike that hardly weighs anything if you never have to lift it?